Eduardo Ruman (In Memoriam)
Diretor-Presidente Administrativo e Empreendedor
Denise Ruman
MTB - 0086489
The Biggest and Best International Newspaper for World Peace
Founder, President And International General Chief-Director / Founder, President And International General Chief-Director : Denise Ruman - MTB: 0086489 / SP-BRAZIL
Local Chief-Director - Bangladesh / Local Chief-Director - Bangladesh : Mohammad Monerul Ahasan
Mentor of the Newspaper / Mentor of the Newspaper : José Cardoso Salvador (in memoriam) Mentor-Director / Mentor-Director : Mahavátar Babají (in memoriam)
ZAKARIA EL HAMEL = Interesting meeting with Mr Antonio pastor of saint Louis church Oujda. World interfaith harmony week 2017
ZAKARIA EL HAMEL = Interesting meeting with Mr Antonio pastor of saint Louis church Oujda. World interfaith harmony week 2017
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ZAKARIA EL HAMEL = Interesting meeting with Mr Antonio pastor of saint Louis church Oujda. World interfaith harmony week 2017
Fonte ZAKARIA EL HAMEL = Interesting meeting with Mr Antonio pastor of saint Louis church Oujda. World interfaith harmony week 2017
Interesting meeting with Mr Antonio pastor of saint Louis church Oujda. World interfaith harmony week 2017 لقاء مع الاب انطونيو بكنيسة سان لويس في اطار التحضير لفعاليات ملتقى الوئام بين الاديان
Reunião muito interessante com o sr. Antonio Pastor da igreja de Saint Louis Oujda. Semana Mundial de harmonia inter 2017 Reunião com o padre Antonio na igreja de San Luis em preparação para os actores formal da harmonia entre as religiões